Sunday, September 10, 2006

Museo de Antropologia de Merida

La primera foto muestra un monumento de piedra con una inscripcion jeroglifica. La segunda un plato de ceramica pintado con un texto jeroglifico tambien. El primer texto empieza con una fecha historica, y el segundo trata sobre la dedicacion o inauguracion ritual del plato.

A Day in Mani--Un dia en Mani

This is the municipality of Mani, Yucatan, Mexico. This is across the street from Diego de Landa's church. Diego de Landa was, of course, the Bishop who collected and burned many Mayan hieroglyphic books. Interestingly, next to the municipality is located a new library called Antonio Gaspar Chi, the name of the Yucatec Mayan scribe consulted by Landa for his "Relación de las Cosas de Yucatán" of ca. 1566.

Siubhan, Heather, Aodhfionn in Kansas

Back in July Siuibhan, Heather, and Aodhfionn went to Kansas. They had a lot of fun at the museum and the park, as the pictures show. They visited with Pat (grandma) and Cameron and Gavin, Heather's brothers.

Wiggles Concert

As you can see, we went to a wiggles concert--our first. Siubhan has liked the Wiggles for three years now, and Aodhfionn already likes them. It was a lot of fun.

Fuimos al concierto de los Wiggles. Fue muy divertido.